

How to play:

Alright! Welcome to Queries! The place where knowledge and gambling comes in handy...Or sometime just sheer luck could help too...Oh back to the point, gist of this quiz is that hopefully you know some of the trivia answers and bet against your opponent in hopes to destroy them.

A few easy steps to winning

  1. Know the answer to the trivia question
  2. Wager on your answer depending on how confident you are.Dun get cocky
  3. Ughh, the dreaded result time. You or your opponent either stay or lose some points
    • Yay you got it right! Your opponent loses points that he wagered and lose whatever you bet too. Harsh...
    • Example: Andre and Bob wagered 2 and 3 respectively, Andre got it right so Bob loses 5 points. Sad Bob is sad.
    • If you or both of you guys get it right, no points deducted!
    • Both wrong? You guys lose whatever you wagered.
  4. This is getting too long now. Just go play.
Choose Catergory

Hustle and Bustle

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